CAT25C08X timer
supervisory circuits with spi serial e2prom/ precision reset controller and watchdog timer.supervisory circuits with spi serial e2prom/ precision reset controller and watchdog timer.
s 10 MHz SPI Compatible s 1.8 to 6.0 Volt Operation s Hardware and Software Protection s Zero Standby Current s Low Power CMOS Technology s SPI Modes (0,0 &1,1) s Commerc.
The CAT25CXXX is a single chip solution to three popular functions of EEPROM Memory, precision reset controller and watchdog timer. The EEPROM Memory is a 2K/4K/8K/16K/32K-Bit SPI Serial CMOS E2PROM internally organized as 256x8/512x8/1024x8/2048x8/ .
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